This page is a compilation of various feedback people have given about our products. The verbal feedbacks are presented as videos and the written feedbacks are captured as graphics. This is done to strengthen their authenticity.




The Best Chicken Skin Wallet, using for more than 10 Years!

Barry buys his 3rd Wallet, March2021.




Mark at the Foster Market, Jan 2021.


  wallet-testimonial-1     Tracey-wallet-Feedback   

    gkasses-cover-Testimonial-Julia-Hayne     leather-wallet-workmanship-Roland-Larcas     26-card-wallet-Ian-Feeking     card-holder-mod-feedback   

    Feedback-card-holder-Irene-Teo     zip-zround-leather-purse-Alana-Feedback   


Hope you enjoyed our feedbacks. We shall update this page as and when we receive more of them.


So please come back soon.


Happy Shopping!


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